In AvPlan EFB there is a new map-based download page. Different map types can be selected at the top of the page and individual charts or areas downloaded by tapping on the region on the map.
The regions are colour coded as follows;
Dark green – region fully downloaded
Light green – region fully downloaded, but set to expire
Yellow – region currently downloading
Orange – region partially downloaded and not currently downloading
Clear – region not downloaded
When new data is available for regions you have previously downloaded, or data has been partially downloaded (the region is orange) then the ‘Update’ button will be red. Tap the Update button and then the updated (or the remainder of the partially downloaded area) will start to download.
To delete a region, tap on it and select delete. That will delete all data for that area immediately.
Tapping on a region and selecting ‘Leave to expire’ leaves the data there for use, but when the data expires it will not be downloaded again, and will be deleted at that time.
AvPlan EFB 3.1 now includes the ability to send files as they download to other devices on your local network. You will also notice the button labelled ‘Devices’ down on the bottom of the Download page. Tap on that and select nearby devices. When this device downloads a new file it will then be sent to those other devices. The other devices need to be on the Download page for them to be visible, and to receive downloads.
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