AvPlan EFB 7.1.1 is now available from the Apple App Store. This is a bug fix release fixing;
Live traffic will be more reliable when the app resumes from the background
Upper level winds will refresh properly
Fix sticky keyboard when editing user waypoints, loading and aircraft ptofiles
Lots of SARTIME fixes in Australia. Clarified what ‘Cancel flight plan’ really means vs cancelling a SARTIME.
When sending a NOSEND plan in Australia you see the NOSEND is set when going back into the flight plan submit page (as a bit more feedback that you havent sent a real plan)
Flight plan appears in the correct place when launched in portrait orientation
Taxi and approach fuel state will sync properly
Fix flight plan printout on iOS 10
Dynon SkyView and Syn Vision fixes
Fix chart annotations when a non-pro license is used
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