AvPlan EFB 3.3 is now available in the Apple App Store. In this release we have added
Surface pressure map overlay
Cloud cover overlay
These are now available on the En Route pane by tapping the radar button (second from the right at the top)
In addition we have made the following usability improvements and enhancements;
SARTIME’s will auto-populate based on 1 hour passed your planned ETA when the field is tapped. You can still edit this as required as well.
Runway centreline makings are clearer and will not overlap
Defaults for taxi fuel and POB can be specified for an aircraft
Airfield communications details will be available for nearby ALA’s and user waypoints
SPFIB briefings now include en-route airport TAF’s and excludes head office NOTAM
You can tap on a METAR on iPhone
Route editing for IFR routes is easier. You only need to make sure you drag your route over turning points along airways, and not each point along the airway
Weather has been moved to the end of the print out when printed
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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