Today we have released AvPlan EFB 6.1 as a free update for all subscribers. This release adds;
Plain text SIGMET for Australian subscribers
Support for the bluetooth Dual XGPS 170 & 190 ADSB receivers.
New ‘false colour’ IR satellite overlay
Australian SIGMETs are now available in both decoded and raw form. Turn on the SIGMET overlay under Weather on EnRoute. Tap on a SIGMET to view. Be aware that these are now colour coded as well, orange for turbulence/thunderstorms and blue for icing.
We have added support for the bluetooth Dual XGPS 170 & 190 ADSB receivers. The XGPS170 is a single band ADSB-in device which provides traffic and weather in the USA only. The XGPS 190 is a dual band unit, which will work with the Australian 1090es system, has weather in the USA and also has an AHRS to provide backup attitude information.
Our IR satellite overlay has had a major makeover. Previously it was useful to show where clouds were (and weren’t), we have now added ‘else colour’ to the imagery. This now provides the temperature of the cloud tops, and therefor an indication of the height of the cloud.
Additionally we have added a bunch of smaller improvements and fixes;
Fix for ADSB traffic in the southern hemisphere
Fixes for the Sagetech Clarity ADSB receiver
Map icons will rotate correctly when in Heading Up mode
Fixes for misplaced radar controls on iPhone
Track logs now handle crossing the 180 meridian
Fixes for airspace highlighting, so it doesn’t happen when airspace notifications are disabled
Fixes for the Weight and Balance page when device is in portrait orientation and keyboard appears
Fixed an issue with submitting IFR plans in New Zealand
Pilot phone number is now sent with IFR plans in New Zealand
Fixes for the iPad Pro
Fix for the intermittent issue where the close button doesn’t correctly close a plan
Fix for the Direct-To window
Correctly update the flight plan ATA for the arrival airport on landing
Fix for the flight plan import function so it doesn’t get confused about flight level or TAS changes
When winds are disabled, don’t download wind forecasts in NZ
Autorouter fixes to better handle on-airport navaids
New user setting to delete all user waypoints (look in the Settings app)
Print ‘end of list’ on the PRD display when no PRDs are present in the report
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