AvPlan EFB 7.5.1 with the new Graphical Area Forecasts tab under Weather is now available. This has been a long time coming; most of this out of our control unfortunately. See the detail below on what actually transpired.
Under Weather, Graphical Area Forecasts you will notice the new GAF display.
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Current AIRMETs are depicted in purple. Tap to view
Your route is depicted in red
Tap the time interval to view current or next forecast
Tap on a GAF region to view the GAF image
Zoom in to view sub-areas in a GAF region
Use a pinch gesture to zoom into a GAF area to view the various sub areas. Tap on them to view the weather for that sub-area.
Tap on a sub area to view weather
Tapping on an AIRMET will show both the sub-area weather and the AIRMET
AvPlan EFB 7.5.1 fixes the following issues which some users have been experiencing;
An issue with some SIGMETs being visible after their validity period expires is resolved.
An issue with PRD status which appeared after the 9th of November is resolved.
Planning -> Winds Aloft has been removed
Fix an issue where flight plan syncing could create lots of empty plans
DropBox files are now available when the device is offline
Fix the route editor so it uses a local navaid in preference to an airport a long way away
Fix an issue when a leg to an alternate could be marked as VFR instead of IFR
Fix some totals on the load sheet and flight plan printouts (to fix a rounding error)
A direct-to can be performed from a user waypoint under Planning, User Waypoints
The LSALT overlay will now clear if it is visible when you close a plan
Images in an area briefing are now larger
AvPlan EFB 7.5.1 Delay
When the new GAF and NAIPS went live on the 9th of November we noticed some minor issues which needed to be addressed and a new update (7.5.1) was submitted to Apple for review. This was completed on the 11th of November and these updates usually take 24-48 hours to be processed to be made available to you. However, we appear to have been caught up in an issue with the Apple processing system, iTunes connect, and the release was stuck in a ‘Waiting for review’ state. There it sat for days; we raised multiple cases with Apple Support as we could not even reject the build to try and resubmit it and clear the problem with the queue.
The issue with iTunes connect was resolved on the 21st – we were finally able to reject the build, resubmit and within hours have the release ready for you.
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