AvPlan EFB 7.7.3. is now available in the App Store. This release adds support for the Appareo Stratus 3 and Dynon DRX GPS/ADSB-in devices.
Additionally we have make the following changes;
The default naming convention for flight plans will be the departure point, any intermediate landing points and the destination.
You will be prompted to use your own NAIPS account when filing a flight plan in Australia
Better handling of locations with both an NDB and a VOR – use the VOR in preference over an NDB
Tune the auto-router to use local waypoints over distant ones with more connected routes
New option to chat with support when tapping the lifebelt
We have also resolved the following issues
Missing labels on user waypoints
Fix the dinghies field in the flight plan submission form
Resolve an issue where a far-away navaid is used in preference to a nearby waypoint with the same name, when editing a flight plan in the quick edit box above the flight plan
Resolve missing lines in the TAF/METAR and ATIS on the Waypoint Details popup
The nearest airport winds in the HUD now will show nearby airports with no wind
Resolve issues with the Garmin FPL export, and the Avidyne plan upload when using an ALA in your flight plan
Improvements when deleting old data to ensure all old data is actually deleted
Flight plan expected routing messages will be sent when you file a flight plan
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