AvPlan EFB 7.9 is now available from the App Store as a free update for all users. In this release we have added the capability to wirelessly upload flight plans to Garmin Avionics via Flight Stream 210/510 devices. Additionally, the nearest items display now shows the airport tower/CTAF frequency.
AvPlan EFB 7.9 will be the last release supporting 32bit iOS devices (iPhone 5, iPad 4, iPad mini 1 and below). Data updates will be provided for these devices into the future, but the upcoming 8.0 release will only support 64bit devices running iOS 11 and above.
Pilots can now export flight plans to all supported avionics via the Flight Stream 210 or 510. Tap on the Send button under the flight plan and select the Export to Garmin option.
AvPlan EFB will upload your route including user waypoints, abeam waypoints, AOPA and Country Airstrip Guide ALA’s. In the USA, AvPlan EFB will also upload SIDs, STARs and IFR routes.
You will require Garmin Pilot to be installed on your device with an active Garmin Pilot subscription.
AvPlan EFB 7.9 also includes fixes for issues some users were experiencing;
Restricted areas with changed heights will display the NOTAM heights and not the published heights
Resolve an issue in the USA when plans are filed with user waypoints at flight plan altitudes over 10,000ft.
Resolve an issue uploading flight plans with VFR waypoints to the Avidyne IFD 440/540/550
Resolve an issue with user LSALTs being applied to one way IFR routes
Resolve an issue with bluetooth alerts
Resolve an issue where the default aircraft icon could not be changed
You are now prompted before installing a new type from the online type database
Resolve an issue with fuel burns for flight plans with an alternate
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AvPlan EFB 9.9
AvPlan EFB 9.9 is now available from the Apple App Store as a free update for all subscribers. In this […]