Tap on the element to change or view a list of available options
Use the stage button to change the flight plan stage
Changes made in the flight plan form flow back into the flight plan or aircraft profile
Enable NOSEND to send a test plan
Tap Submit to file your plan
Enhanced Flight Plan Filing
AvPlan EFB 7.7 introduces a completely new interface for submitting flight plans in Australia. We have added a complete ICAO flight plan form where most entries can be altered in one place. Where applicable, changes are propagated back to the flight plan or aircraft profile as appropriate (and saved for later use).
For example, from the one form you can;
Change departure times
Add alternates
Add delay points (for aerial work for example)
Change flight rules
Change avionics settings
Add flight plan remarks
Different flight plan stages can be changed in the form – tap the Stage button at the top right to change the stage. Once complete, tap Submit at the bottom to file your flight plan.
We have made huge improvements to the process so you can submit a test plan and then submit a real plan shortly afterwards, without getting two plans in the system. Plans can also be submitted and then changed by updating the form as required and submitting again (without duplicates appearing in NAIPS)
Entries are also validated to ensure that they are in the various formats that NAIPS expects. This will make submitting a flight plan with AvPlan EFB even easier than ever before.
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