The AvPlan EFB team have been busy making improvements which greatly improve the app for use in New Zealand.
Some of these recent changes include;
VNC chart amendments
Winds aloft below 10,000ft now come from New Zealand Area Forecasts
Individual ERC charts can now be downloaded, in addition to the single combined ERC chart
Improvements to the interface with IFIS to make filing flight plans much easier
Flight notification alerts
VNC Chart Amendments
For many years AvPlan EFB users have been able to make hand amendments to any map, and have these amendments automatically sync across their devices. This allowed you to make any chart changes (like updated frequencies etc) as required. The AvPlan EFB team are now making these chart changes for items like frequencies, and publishing them as an updated VNC chart.
Winds Aloft
We are pleased to inform you that we have updated the source of our winds and temperature aloft data for altitudes at or below 10,000ft. This data is now derived from NZ ARFOR’s predictions, facilitated by MetService. We have transitioned away from the global aviation winds forecast model for these altitudes due to its inefficiency. However, it remains our source for data above 10,000ft. This modification aims to significantly improve the precision of your flight data.
Individual ERC Charts
Since the initial version of AvPlan EFB in New Zealand we provided a single combined ERC chart to cover New Zealand. There was some information hidden when these charts are combined, so we now provide the option to download and view the individual ERC charts as well.
IFIS Interface
We have greatly improved the IFIS interface, which will greatly speed up filing both VFR and IFR plans. Any errors with your submission will be apparent. The full ICAO flight plan form is now also available to print/download as well. The IFIS interface exposes all fields in the ICAO flight plan form. When changed, your flight plan or aircraft profile is automatically updated.
Flight Notifications
AvPlan EFB takeoff and landing flight notification messages are now operational in New Zealand. See Settings, AvPlan Live Tracking inside the app to add mobile numbers to send SMS alerts to. Android users can head to our website, to enable these messages as well.
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