Our IT manager Peter Derrick has just returned from the USA and his first ever AirVenture with Bevan Anderson, our founder and CEO, where they spent a busy week continuing AvPlan EFB expansion into the US market.
Oshkosh’s overall increase in visitor numbers meant several new paddocks were opened for parking on the airfield at Oshkosh. Perhaps in part it was the fabulous weather that lured the crowds. The larger crowd was reflected in the increased amount of interest in AvPlan EFB and the guys were kept busy with many international (and some Australian) visitors.
Highlights of the trip were the annual AvPlan EFB barbecue held out at Lake Winnebago, which was attended by a large Australian contingent who were afforded the opportunity to share stories and a meal with representatives from Jeppesen, Wings of Steel, Lacrosse Technologies and many of our American friends.
We also supported the EAA ‘Women Soar You Soar’ program by providing branded backpacks, and a twelve month VFR subscription to AvPlan EFB.
The Women Soar You Soar program strives to engage, inspire, and educate young women to pursue their dreams in aviation and beyond. The unique program introduces girls to women mentors – from engineers to fighter pilots – working in a variety of aviation and aerospace fields. It’s four days filled with career exploration, discovery, inspiration, and fun.
Activities include flight simulation, workshops, wing rib assembly, mentor sessions, career exploration, and more. Of course, it also includes an AirVenture experience.
There was also strong interest in AvPlan EFB’s LSALT/MEA calculation capability and a particularly strong interest in our superior weather capabilities and unique glide functionality.
Of particular interest to new users in the USA, was our Top of Climb, Top of Descent and Point of No Return labelling for the flight plan. Our detailed Weight and Balance capability also impressed those who had not seen it before as it is unlike anything else available on the market.
“They sure do it bigger and better in the States and highlights include getting in and around the aircraft on display, particularly the Lancaster, Mosquito, B52, B29, F22 and F35,” said Peter. “We spent a lot of time looking at many aircraft on display, but these are not on display often.”
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