uAvionix Australia have just started shipping the SkyEcho 2 portable ADSB-in and ADSB-out devices to customers. AvPlan EFB has been testing the device for a number of months now and AvPlan EFB for iOS fully supports the SkyEcho 2.
This unit retails for around $900 AUD, and once approved by CASA, will be a great portable traffic solution for VFR GA and RA aircraft.
Being ADSB-out, any aircraft using ADSB-in within ~40nm will receive and display your transmissions. Being ADSB, it does not rely on having cellular coverage or other aircraft using the same EFB software.
To connect your SkyEcho 2, simply connect your iPad or iPhone to the device via wifi. There is no other configuration required. To view the status of the connection, open AvPlan EFB and tap Settings, External Devices, ADSB Status.
Traffic via a directly connected ADSB receiver appears as green targets within AvPlan EFB (see image below).
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