
Paul Bennet Airshows
AvPlan EFB is a proud sponsor of Paul Bennet Airshows. Paul Bennet flies the world famous Wolf Pitts Pro biplane, a custom built aircraft designed to be the highest performing aerobatic biplane in the World and the machine favoured by countless aerobatic pilots in competitions internationally.
Information about the next display or airshow can be found at the Paul Bennet Airshows website.

Little Wings
Little Wings is a nonprofit organisation that provides free, professional and safe flight and ground transport services for sick children in rural and regional NSW. AvPlan EFB has supported the organisation for several years it is used for all planning, charts and weight and balance. It has changed the way Little Wings operates and made the life of volunteer pilots so much easier.

2021 Outback Air Race
The Outback Air Race is a time trial through the remote Australian outback. It isn’t really a race – but it does get very competitive, although it is also a lot of fun. Every team fundraises for the RFDS in the 12 months leading up to the race. Funds from each race go towards outfitting RFDS aircraft with essential medical equipment, vital for treating sick and injured patients.
AvPlan EFB is proud to be sponsor of the race by providing live tracking and participant access to AvPlan EFB to undertake flight planning for each of the legs.