Within AvPlan EFB, there are many ways to initiate a direct-to.

Option 1:

  • Tapping the Direct to button at the top of the EnRoute tab brings up a list of waypoints around your current GPS position.
  • Use the options at the top of the list to filter the list down to only Airports, Navaids or Waypoints.
  • Tap a row to begin a direct-to to that location.

Option 2:

  • Tap near the intended point on the map and the Nearest Items menu will appear.
  • Tap the Direct-To switch at the top of the list and then tap the blue plus to track direct, at which time a magenta track line will appear from your present position to that point.

Option 3:

  • Tap the waypoint you wish to track to on the map
  • As it’s already within your flight plan, the Waypoint Details automatically appears.
  • Tap the Direct To button.

Option 4:

  • Tap and hold on the waypoint in your flight log
  • From the Leg Settings menu, select Direct To.

Cancelling a direct to

Option 1:

  • Tap the TO field in the HUD.
  • Essentials mode users can use this option

Option 2:

  • Tap the map to bring up the Nearest Items menu.
  • Tap the Close Plan button at the bottom of the screen. (this will also close a route/flight plan if you have one open)
  • Essentials mode users can use this option

Option 3:

  • Tap the Plan|Fly toggle to set it back to Plan.

Option 4:

  • Manually sequence the flight plan (by tapping the PREVIOUS or NEXT buttons) to the waypoint you wish to fly instead of the direct to.

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