To download, launch and start using the app:

  1. Download and install AvPlan EFB from the Google Play Store, then tap the AvPlan EFB icon on your devices’ Home Page. If this is the first time you’ve downloaded and run AvPlan EFB on this device, you’ll automatically receive a 30 day free trial.
  2. During the initial opening sequence, you will be asked to select the region (or regions) you will be flying in and create an AvPlan EFB login profile.
  3. Create an aircraft type if one does not already exist. Go to our online type database at Settings > Aircraft Type Database and scroll down to the blue section.
  4. Set up some aircraft details.
  5. Visit the Data Downloads section (tap Settings > Data Downloads) and download the maps and airport documents you require so they can be accessed when offline.
  6. Enter your NAIPS/IFIS login details (tap Settings > Pilot profile (Create your profile) > NAIPS or IFIS Details)
  7. Create a flight plan.
  8. Submit your flight plan.
  9. Go flying!

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