Map Overlays

The following items can be overlaid on any map, including the satellite view:

Runway Centreline extensions Draws 5 Nautical Mile extended centrelines for certified/registered airports set as takeoff or landing sites within the current plan.
Note: If no plan is open, extensions will not display
Airport Glide Range Shows the areas from within which airports can be reached in a glide
Airspace boundaries Draws Class C, D and E CTA/CTR boundaries
Active Airspace Highlights active SUA areas in red on the map
  • Draws symbols at certified, registered or military airports.
  • Label displays Name, Height AMSL and CTAF Frequency
  • Icon displays a small-scale representation of runway layout/alignment within the blue circle
  • Airports without official surveyed runway lengths/alignment will be displayed with a diagonal dashed line
  • Draws symbols at Helicopter Landing Sites
  • Label displays Name and Height AMSL.
  • CTAF Frequency is displayed if available.
  • Draws symbols at Authorised Landing Areas
  • Label displays Name and Height AMSL.
  • CTAF Frequency is displayed if available.
Fuel Availability Shows Fuel availability and most recent posted prices
Obstacles Draws Obstacle symbols on chart. (The AvPlan obstacle database is significantly more comprehensive than that used to create the charts)
Navigation Aids Symbols for NDB, VOR and TACAN locations
User Waypoints Toggles display of labelled user waypoints
VFR Waypoints Toggles display of labelled VFR waypoints
IFR Waypoints Toggles display of labelled IFR waypoints
IFR Routes (Low) Toggles drawing of published low level routes (useful when overlaid on VFR charts not containing them)
IFR Routes (High) Toggles drawing of published high level routes (useful when overlaid on VFR charts not containing them)
FIA Airspace Draws Flight Information Area Boundaries
ARFOR) Boundaries Area Briefing boundaries (for Area QNH etc)

Items in italics are are subject to ‘decluttering’ when zooming out, such that fewer icons are visible but the chart is always readable. When zooming back in, more items are progressively displayed on the map.

Labels rotate with the screen orientation, so they are always the correct way up.


ALA, Airport, and User Waypoint details do not immediately zoom in order to avoid cluttering the display. However, if you zoom in far enough, these will also zoom as the map is further enlarged.

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