The following components and software need to be available to complete the process described below. For instructions on downloading and installing the Dynon Software listed below, please refer to the instructions provided by Dynon.

  • A USB memory stick or drive with a minimum of 2 Gigabytes available storage.
  • Dynon SkyView Operating System (version 13.0.3 minimum).
  • Dynon Navigation Mapping Software (version SV-270 minimum).
  • Subscription to SkyView or AFS digital chart data from AvPlan EFB.

A note on some Sandisk USB memory sticks

It has been brought to our attention that in Skyview software versions prior to v16, there is a potential problem with Sandisk 3.1 USB sticks causing SkyView to hang at the splash screen. Dynon advise that this has been fixed in version 16 software which will be certified during December 2021.
That will resolve the issue without having to get different memory sticks. Meanwhile, Dynon also advise that if you put the stick in after the system is booted, with the current software, it will work fine.